Auspicious Bountiful Blessings Ring

Auspicious Bountiful Blessings Ring

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This is made of 916/22K gold and meticulously crafted with elegant engravings and the eye-catching baifu ("Hundred Blessings") in Chinese. Traditionally, the Chinese believe that Blessing, Prosperity, Longevity, Happiness and Wealth are five major blessings. During Chinese festivals and celebrations, the Chinese normally greet one another with auspicious greetings like "blessings as vast as the Eastern Sea", "rising in official ranks", "a long life as high as the Southern Mountain", "happiness arriving at your doorstep" and "wealth flowing in abundance".  In other words, baifu signifies blessings are plentiful and coming to the recipient. Therefore, wearing Bountiful Blessing Gold Ring symbolises the ever-flowing blessings that surround the bearer.

916/22K 金
这是采用 916、22K 金打造的足金打造的《百福戒指》,它以精工刻上一百个凹凸有致、层次分明,具有生动立体视觉效果的福字。在中国传统理念里,“福、禄、寿、喜、财” 是五大福,即福如东海、禄位高升(指官职)、寿比南山、喜事临门、财源广进,而“百福”即多福,寓指吉庆之事多多相继而来,所以佩戴《百福戒指》象征百福围绕,福运绵延不绝。

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