"The Soaring Dragon" Liuli《龙腾盛世》绿琉璃摆件

"The Soaring Dragon" Liuli《龙腾盛世》绿琉璃摆件

九龙齐聚,寓意着强大阳刚之力。摆件以九为最高数,第九龙居中,代表“众龙之首,国泰民安”的深刻寓意。绿琉璃晶莹剔透,光辉四溢,金条部分则以 999.9 纯金打造,重量达 1公斤, 堪称巧夺天工。全球限量发售 9 套!

Poh Kong proudly unveils "The Soaring Dragon", revolves around nine divine dragons, rooted in ancient Chinese numerology. The number nine, considered an odd pinnacle, embodies strength and masculinity. The gathering of these dragons symbolizes harmonious unity, with the central dragon embodying leadership, peace, and prosperity. The meticulously chosen green coloured glaze, crystal clear and radiant, epitomizes exquisite craftsmanship. Limited to a global release of only 9 sets!