Auspicious Pot of Gold Necklace

Auspicious Pot of Gold Necklace

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This design is inspired by the Bucket of Gold and serves to gather, attract and accumulate good fortune. The lid of the pot can be opened to reveal the character ‘fulfillment’, and can be filled up with elements that represent wealth, including rice, gold and precious stones; to symbolise the attraction of riches that is full to the brim.

《一桶金》项链设计概念来自“聚财桶” 它有聚集的形态,具有招、旺、聚的作用,桶可打开内有“满”字, 装上象征财富的物品如‘米、金、钻’,就意味会带来满桶的金银财宝财富。(福兆:聚财)