Auspicious Orb of Wealth Bracelet

Auspicious Orb of Wealth Bracelet

Product Code

This spherical orb’s design is inspired by the currency symbols of various countries, including the Yen, Euro, Dollar and Pound, symbolising the attraction of wealth from all corners of the world. Adorning it will bless your business and career with international acclaim, and draw in wealth on a global scale.  (Symbolism: Attract Wealth)

此款立体珠的设计是以各国钱币符号,如(元)、(欧元)、(美元)、 (英镑)为概念,带出招财的主题和强大的吸金力,反映出钱财围绕,富可敌国的豪气;戴上它,意味着您的业务将达致国际水平,可从全球四面八方获得财富。(福兆:招财)