Happy Love Eternal Blossoms Pendant

Happy Love Eternal Blossoms Pendant

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This collection combines the element of lily and the heart shape, creating a series of new products. The blooming of a young lily flower atop the heart shape enhances the blessings of love for the couple, bringing them a healthy relationship and mutual understanding. These stylish bangles, rings, pendants, and earrings indeed serve as the most thoughtful gift to all lovers out there.

“百年好合”,顾名思义,以百合为主结合心形打造一系列新产品。一朵清新百合盛开在别出心裁的心形上,让爱的祝福更为浓烈,夫妻之间永远和好,彼此心意相互了解。 手镯、戒指、吊坠和耳环在款式上更为时尚俐落,是献给天下有情人最贴心的礼物。